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- Artwork43
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- Public Art 42
- First Nations 1
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- Collection56
- Council Archive244
- Dharawal Language1
- Document118
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- Research 32
- Document 25
- Shellharbour City Council 15
- Family History 9
- Miscellaneous 5
- Cultural Heritage Assessment 3
- Directory 2
- Newspaper 2
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- Journal 1
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- Albion Park 1
- Albion Park Rail 1
- Balarang 1
- Barrack Heights 1
- Barrack Point 1
- Bass Point 1
- Blackbutt 1
- Calderwood 1
- Croom 1
- Dapto 1
- Dunmore 1
- Flinders 1
- Illawarra 1
- Jamberoo 1
- Kiama 1
- Lake Illawarra 1
- Lake Illawarra South 1
- Macquarie Pass 1
- Marshall Mount 1
- Minnamurra 1
- Mount Warrigal 1
- North Macquarie 1
- Oak Flats 1
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- Shellharbour City Centre 1
- Shellharbour City LGA 1
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- Tullimbar 1
- Warilla 1
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- Yallah 1
- Yellow Rock (Ridge) 1
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- Map or Plan273
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- Plan 115
- Estate 53
- Subdivision 46
- Parish 19
- Orthophoto 8
- Environmental 7
- Illawarra Planning Authority 5
- Survey 5
- Aerial 4
- Environment 2
- Military 2
- Urban Cadastral 2
- Clearing Lease 1
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- Shellharbour City LGA 37
- Shellharbour Village 37
- Albion Park 36
- Oak Flats 22
- Lake Illawarra 17
- Calderwood 14
- Shell Cove 12
- Warilla 12
- Albion Park Rail 11
- Illawarra 8
- Kiama 8
- Jamberoo 7
- Windang 7
- Croom 6
- Mount Warrigal 6
- Shellharbour City Centre 6
- Barrack Point 5
- Tongarra 5
- Blackbutt 4
- Dunmore 4
- Minnamurra 4
- Wollongong 4
- Bass Point 3
- Lake Illawarra South 3
- Macquarie Pass 3
- Marshall Mount 3
- Shellharbour 3
- Yallah 3
- Barrack Heights 2
- Flinders 2
- New South Wales 2
- Shellharbour LGA 2
- Yellow Rock 2
- Balarang 1
- Bass Point Peninsula 1
- Dapto 1
- Mount Warigal 1
- Port Kembla 1
- Robertson 1
- Shellharbour Villlage 1
- Sydney 1
- Wollongong, Shellharbour 1
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- Maritime6
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- Miscellaneous3
- Object1239
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- Object 276
- Book 206
- Document 206
- Photograph 139
- Household Items 78
- Textile 77
- Clothing 75
- Tool 74
- Shellharbour City Council 65
- Personal Effects 53
- Portrait 46
- Military 42
- Heritage Room Collection 23
- Artwork 19
- First Nations 18
- Toy 14
- Loan 7
- Archaeology 5
- Map 2
- Digital 1
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- THS Minute Collection71
- THS Newsletter Collection295
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- OCR 469
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